The Art of Growing a Dandelion

The Art of Growing a Dandelion

It’s not as simple as you would imagine given their proliferation and resiliency.

When I wrote the story, “Toni and the Dandelions,” I included instructions at the back of the book describing how to grow your own dandelions at home. Believing that when you write about something you should either have experienced it yourself or have researched it well, I decided I should try to grow my own dandelion in my house.

My children, who were quite young at the time, helped me prepare the container putting in an adequate amount of fresh earth. We planted the seeds 3mm deep, watered them and made sure they had plenty of light.

Some of the seeds germinated but unfortunately, none of them flowered. We were very disappointed and frustrated with our failure.

This is where the research came in. I learned that because dandelions are perennials, they spend their first summer putting their energy into developing their root system. Their flowers would only appear the following year.

Once we recovered from our disappointment, we had quite the chuckle, about our efforts. After all, dandelions seem to grow everywhere, yet we had a heck of a time getting them to flower in pristine conditions.

Clearly, we need more patience.

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About Vivian

Visionary storyteller, Vivian Hitchman, authors inspirational, imaginative, and empowering works, with a focus on helping people understand life’s meanderings.

Through her writings, she encourages kids to be resilient and steadfast against negative input, helping them to find the positives in their experiences.

Applying her years of experience and expertise as a life coach, Vivian challenges readers to move beyond their limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and destructive patterns of behaviour, helping them gain greater resiliency and fulfillment in their lives.


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