Why You Should Be Happy We’re Saying Farewell to Summer

Like it or not, if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re currently saying farewell to summer.

Luckily, it still offers hot humid stretches, which then predictably slip into more seasonally coolish evenings – a sign that the Autumnal Equinox is fast approaching.

The word equinox comes from the Latin words “aequalis”, which means equal, and “nox”, which means night, and it refers to one of two times in the year when daylight somewhat equals nighttime hours, with one around March 20th to the 21st and the other around September 22nd to the 23rd.

As we near the latter date, we see the sunset gracing us with its dramatic lustre earlier in the evenings until we reach the shortest day of the year – the solstice – when the sun slips below the horizon quickly, marking the start of winter.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the reverse.

In any case, throughout the centuries, the Autumnal Equinox honoured this balance between light and darkness, symbolizing equilibrium and gratitude.

It was a time to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments, celebrate the fruits of your labour, enjoy the abundance offered by the Earth during harvest time, and prepare to transition to the winter season.

I often hear people speak with sadness about saying farewell to summer.

Understandably, it’s hard to say goodbye to the joyful, carefree (if not a little careless) air of summer, and the endless hours of play, which guiltlessly fritter the days away.

And no doubt, this is a necessary break that helps to recalibrate our homeostasis.

But let’s not be too hasty when judging the coming of fall.

It can still be a time for recuperation, fun time with family and friends, and alone time with your favourite book.

If you’re not a fan of fall, you’re probably rolling your eyes at this point, but what I’m about to say might change your perspective, as this article offers several reasons why you should be happy we’re saying farewell to summer.


8 Reasons to Be Happy We’re Saying Farewell to Summer

Reasons to Be Happy Saying Farewell to Summer

Yes, the warm weather is dwindling, but a cozy fireside snuggle can be a welcomed second-to-none.

With that in mind, here are some suggestions for how to peacefully wave farewell to summer, look forward to the fall with joyful anticipation, and enjoy everything it has to offer:


1) Getting Back to Routine

By getting back into an organized routine, as most of us do at this time of year, and setting accomplishable goals, you can get more done in a systematic way.

At the end of day, this is a great feeling, not least because you get to reflect on all those check marks on your to-do list.


2) Going Back to School

The kids are going back to school at this time of year, and they’re excited to see their friends, curious about their teachers, and wondering about their next steps in learning.

There, of course, is some trepidation, but for many kids, school stands for structure and predictability, a shift away from the chaos of summer.


3) Thanksgiving Gratitude

Anticipating Thanksgiving’s delicious tastes and smells – like home baked pies or a roasting turkey – and enjoying them in the moment, can give you reasons to focus on gratitude for that which you have in your life, instead of lamenting your so-called shortcomings.


4) Autumnal Activities

It can be tough to accept the fact that the warm weather is almost gone, but it doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun!

With that in mind, a family outing choosing pumpkins or picking apples during harvest time can replace those lazy days on the beach building sandcastles.


5) The Sights & Smells of Fall

During the fall season, shedding leaves change the forest floor, creating a kaleidoscope of fall colours, and various types of birds’ nests, hidden during the summer months, become visible.

This, coupled with the earthy smells of crunching leaves beneath rustling footsteps can help awaken your foggy senses and get them accustomed to the fall season.


6) Coziness & Camaraderie

Fall is a great time to gather with some of your friends at a cabin in the woods and enjoy each other’s company, tell stories, and reminisce about summer adventures.

What’s more, the fall season is also the perfect time to cozy up next to a warm fire with a steaming beverage, your favourite blankie, and an absorbing book or movie. What’s not to love about that?


7) Making Memories

Autumn is a great time to start snapping photos and adding to your collection of toque pictures, reflecting goofy times of huddles and hugs.

And while you’re at it, why not dig out the wool socks, sweatpants, hoodies, cable-knit sweaters, and fuzzy slippers?


8) Planning & Productivity

As you say farewell to summer, this is probably the best time of year to revisit your travel plans for the coming year and start planning to check more boxes off of your bucket list.

Moreover, the fall season is also a good time to reinvest energy into completing tasks and projects that you’ve avoided or placed on the back burner during the summer break, as tasks you needed to distance yourself from take on fresh precedence.


All things considered, the fall has always been known as a time for renewal, growth, and transformation.

There is just something about autumn that conjures up a desire for reflection, slowing down, contemplating, and withdrawing into yourself to reflect on the next step in your life’s journey.

The fall invites you to take note of your inner being, consider your surroundings, experience every moment, and connect with your inner space, inner peace, inner beauty, soul, spirit, essence, and the beauty beyond you.

So, when fall turns its head to you, why not try to confront the realities of life and embrace all its joys and challenges?

Because along with all the sadness and trepidation, there is also excitement, renewed energy, and new insight into how you can take on the world.


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