Be Authentic to Yourself and Others by Embracing Your Emerging Relevancy

Be Authentic to Yourself and Others by Embracing Your Emerging Relevancy

The term “emerging relevancy” came up in conversation a few weeks ago.

The context was a personal one, suggesting that in today’s world, we must stay relevant if we wish to grow toward what life is calling us to do.

Given that change is the only constant, focusing on the shifts in your personal development is critical for staying current and relevant.

That being said, relevancy can have meaning in many different aspects of your life.

One area where it’s incredibly important is in business.

For instance, knowing about the trends in the market, emerging innovations and technologies, and the changing needs and preferences of customers will help a company stay competitive.

Friendships, too, need evaluation, recalibration, and revitalization, all of which relate to relevancy.

For example, staying up to date on the dynamics of a friendship can offer positive outcomes by helping you engage in mutual and respectful exchanges.

Sharing ideas, insights, and reflections helps you understand what’s relevant when it comes to that friend’s preferences and tendencies, which can help to improve the relationship.

What’s more, it will help you to answer questions like:

  • How have their ideas and perspectives changed?
  • Am I aware of these changing views and their implications?
  • Do they communicate these thoughts effectively and openly?
  • If they don’t communicate them openly, how can I figure out what’s changed?

Now that we’ve talked about how relevancy is related to things like business and friendships, you might be wondering how you can stay relevant to yourself.

Knowing who you are, being aware of your truths, and understanding your values and higher needs are all imperative aspects of maintaining that relevancy, and staying in line with your life goals and subtle intentions.

I say subtle because often we are not always fully conscious of our direction. We tend to live haphazardly and unconsciously, falling in random directions without much thought.

That, of course, can lead to surprising, unexpected outcomes, which can present some very interesting options.

Yet, by staying conscious and intentional with your decisions, you can also garner more positive and grounded results.

Such duality! Conscious versus unconscious, preordained versus unplanned, destiny versus self-determination.

Both have merit but if your intuition is awakened, you’ll probably give the nod to potential adventures, whether they’re expected or not.

But staying tapped into your intuition’s relevancy is not a passive exercise.

On the contrary, it requires focused attention, intention, and asking questions like:

  • What do I need to stay relevant to the subtleties of my deeper self?
  • What is the world asking of me and how can I connect to that path?
  • Once I’ve discovered this, how can I develop my emerging relevance?

In any case, priorities help define your relevancy, and if you take the time to clarify and align your priorities with your goals, values, and needs, you can create relevancy in all those areas.


How to Encourage Your Emerging Relevancy

Ultimately, relevancy becomes a default of your actions and decisions.

The question is, which comes first?  Goals, priorities, or relevancy?

Goals can impact your daily priorities and priorities can influence your daily behaviours.

Relevancy, on the other hand, helps with your connections and relationships, and it can be a byproduct of your needs and goals.

But there is also a fourth factor at play here, and that’s motivation, which underlies the other three.

With that in mind, you might want to ask yourself:

  • How motivated am I to achieve my goals?
  • How motivated am I to define my priorities?
  • How motivated am I to stay relevant in my various areas of interest?

Like most things in life, relevancy can be circuitous and messy.

That being said, even after you’ve figured this stuff out, your emerging relevancy can be nebulous and hard to follow through on.

At this point, you’re probably wondering how you can encourage your emerging relevancy.

Here’s some of what I would recommend:

  • Stay open to life’s unpredictable ebbs and flows, as change can be a gift.
  • Understand and stay true to what you value and find meaningful.
  • Stay genuinely curious about others and the world around you.
  • Take the time to stay current in the areas that interest you.
  • Gain clarity by taking time to listen and reflect.
  • Challenge the fear that hides within you.
  • Learn to trust your intuition.

Finally, do we teach children to recognize their emerging relevancy, or do they come by it naturally?

For sure it’s trial and error. Young children are likely to be spontaneous, embracing small opportunities that cross their path, and then abandoning them.

Not much deliberation is employed.

But as children develop, they modulate, engage in restrictions, and feel observed and judged.

They want to fit in but lack the personal skills to manage their relevancy.

However, we as adults can teach them how to identify and stay true to their distinct skills and tendencies, and probe deeply within themselves to stay authentic and discover their unique emerging relevancy.

All things considered, both adults and children alike can learn to stay strong in their authentic selves and enjoy all that relevancy has to offer.

About Vivian

Visionary storyteller, Vivian Hitchman, authors inspirational, imaginative, and empowering works, with a focus on helping people understand life’s meanderings.

Through her writings, she encourages kids to be resilient and steadfast against negative input, helping them to find the positives in their experiences.

Applying her years of experience and expertise as a life coach, Vivian challenges readers to move beyond their limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and destructive patterns of behaviour, helping them gain greater resiliency and fulfillment in their lives.


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